Tuesday, January 8, 2013

The secret to getting your kids and husbands to eat vegetables

Crush em', shred em', obliterate em'!  That's how I get my husband to eat veggies without him knowing.  I make chili that most people wouldn't eat if they knew what all was in it.  But the thing is, they do eat it, with a giant smile on their face, cause it's DELICIOUS!  I put broccoli stocks, mushrooms, celery, and carrots in my chili.  Along with ground turkey.  It cooks for so long it no one knows what's in it because they don't care.  There is literally no fat in the chili I make because of the ground turkey, seasoning, and veggies.

The same thing goes for my spaghetti sauce.  Authentic spaghetti sauce is made with a mirepoix, which is carrots, celery, and onion.  I use my food processor to chop all my veggies into tiny itty bitty pieces.  I certainly don't want to chomp down on a huge piece of celery whilst enjoying my delightful spaghetti and meatballs. My husband stuffs his face with all this healthy food, and my nephews happily scarf their food down too.

I do this with most of my sauces or soups unless another consistency is desired.  So there it it is.  The secret  to getting your family to eat their veggies.  Let me know if you have other secrets about how you get your family to eat things they don't want to.

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